Thursday, 26 March 2015

The Comedy of Errors Characters

Antipholus of Syracuse  
The twin brother of Antipholus of Ephesus and the son of Egeon; he has been traveling the world with his slave, Dromio of Syracuse, trying to find his long-lost brother and mother.

Antipholus of Ephesus  
The twin brother of Antipholus of Syracuse and the son of Egeon; he is a well-respected merchant in Ephesus and Adriana's husband.

Dromio of Syracuse  
The bumbling, comical slave of Antipholus of Syracuse. He is the twin brother of Dromio of Ephesus.

Dromio of Ephesus  
The bumbling, comical slave of Antipholus of Ephesus. He is the Syracusan Dromio's twin brother.

The wife of Antipholus of Ephesus, she is a fierce, jealous woman.

Adriana's unmarried sister and the object of Antipholus of Syracuse's affections.

The Duke of Ephesus; a just but merciful ruler.

A Syracusan merchant, husband of the Abbess (Emilia), and the father of the two Antipholi. He is, like his Syracusan son, in search of the missing half of his family; he has been sentenced to death as the play begins.

Emilia, the long-lost wife of Egeon and the mother of the two Antipholi.

A merchant in Syracuse.

A goldsmith in Syracuse and a friend to Antipholus of Ephesus.

An Ephesian friend of Antipholus of Syracuse.

Second Merchant  
A tradesman to whom Angelo is in debt.
Doctor Pinch  
 A schoolteacher, conjurer, and would-be exorcist.
 Also called Nell. Antipholus of Ephesus' prodigiously fat maid and Dromio of Ephesus' wife.
An expensive prostitute and friend of Antipholus of Ephesus.

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