Disguise figures prominently in The
Taming of the Shrew: Sly dresses as a lord, Lucentio dresses as a Latin
tutor, Tranio dresses as Lucentio, Hortensio dresses as a music tutor, and the
pedant dresses as Vincentio. These disguises enable the characters to
transgress barriers in social position and class, and, for a time, each of them
is successful. The play thus poses the question of whether clothes make the
man—that is, whether a person can change his or her role by putting on new
clothes. The ultimate answer is no, of course. In The Taming of the Shrew,
society involves a web of antecedents that are always able to uncover one’s
true nature, no matter how differently one wishes to portray oneself. Tranio,
disguised as Lucentio, needs only to bump into Vincentio, and his true identity
surfaces. As Petruchio implies on his wedding day, a garment is simply a
garment, and the person beneath remains the same no matter what disguise is
The motif of domestication is
broadcasted in the play’s title by the word “taming.” A great part of the
action consists of Petruchio’s attempts to cure Katherine of her antisocial
hostility. Katherine is thus frequently referred to as a wild animal that must
be domesticated. Petruchio considers himself, and the other men consider him,
to be a tamer who must train his wife, and most of the men secretly suspect at
first that her wild nature will prove too much for him. After the wedding,
Petruchio and Katherine’s relationship becomes increasingly defined by the
rhetoric of domestication. Petruchio speaks of training her like a “falcon” and
plans to “kill a wife with kindness.” Hortensio even conceives of Petruchio’s
house as a place where other men may learn how to domesticate women, calling it
a “taming-school.”
Fathers and Their Children
The several father/child relationships
in the play—Baptista/Bianca, Baptista/Katherine, Vincentio/Lucentio—focus on
parents dealing with children of marriageable age and concerned with making
good matches for them. Even the sham father/son relationship between the
disguised pedant and the disguised Tranio portrays a father attempting to make
a match for his son, as the pedant attempts to negotiate Tranio’s marriage to
Bianca. Through the recurrence of this motif, Shakespeare shows the broader
social ramifications of the institution of marriage. Marriage does not merely
concern the future bride and groom, but many other people as well, especially
parents, who, in a sense, transfer their responsibility for their children onto
the new spouses.
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