Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Transformational Generative

Transformational Generative linguistics:
           One of the most important questions which aroused due to this school is, what implications does the theory of transformational grammar have for the study of style?   It is argued that this school is based on the Chomskian model which could be extremely useful in stylo-linguistic description because it is in accord with the notion of style as a choice.
This notion of style implies that there must be alternative ways of verbal formulations, i.e. more than one way to say the same thing must be available for the writer to choose from. Also, this theory is important to stylistic analysis because it has the power to explain the notion of how complex sentences are produced.
Now, we ask the question of how a specific stylistic problem like deviation can be accounted for within the transformational frame?  "TG" is the grammatical model which has most elaborated the concept of grammaticality and wellformedness, and which thus throws most light on deviance as well"
Linguistics differentiates between two types of deviation; quantitative deviation and qualitative deviation. Which both can be accounted within the frame of (TG), by noting the frequencies of using the rules of the grammar we can account the quantitative deviation, but if we note the changes that the rules should undergo in the process of derivation here the qualitative deviation.

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