A process genre approach to
teaching writing
Richard Badger and Goodith
This paper analyses the strengths and weaknesses of product,
process, and genre approaches to writing in terms of their view of writing and
how they see the development of writing. It argues that the three approaches
are complementary, and identifies an approach which is informed by each of
Introduction In 1982 one commentator on the teaching of
writing suggested that ‘The whole enterprise is beyond words - beyond
conception.’ (Smith 1982: 27) Given such a daunting forecast, it is perhaps
just as well that EFL teachers can now draw on a range of approaches to
teaching writing. Over the last 20 years, process and product approaches have
dominated much of the teaching of writing that happens in the EFL classroom. In
the last ten years, genre approaches have gained adherents (e.g. Swales 1990,
Tribble 1996: 37-57, Gee 1997). This paper offers some discussion of these
approaches, and argues for a synthesis which draws on all three. It will cover
both linguistic factors (how the approaches conceptualize writing) and educa-
tional factors (how the approaches conceptualize learning to write).
Product One of the most explicit descriptions of product
approaches is provided approaches by Pincas (1982a). She sees writing as being
primarily about linguistic knowledge, with attention focused on the appropriate
use of vocabulary, syntax, and cohesive devices. (Pincas 1982b) In this
approach, learning to write has four stages: familiarization; controlled
writing; guided writing; and free writing. The familiarization stage aims to
make learners aware of certain features of a particular text. In the controlled
and guided writing sections, the learners practise the skills with increasing
freedom until they are ready for the free writing section, when they ‘use the
writing skill as part of a genuine activity such as a letter, story or essay’
(1982a: 22). A typical product class might involve the learners familiarizing
themselves with a set of descriptions of houses, possibly written especially
for teaching purposes, by identifying, say, the prepositions and the names of
rooms used in a description of a house. At the controlled stage, they might
produce some simple sentences about houses from a substitution table. The
learners might then produce a piece of guided writing based on a picture of a
house and, finally, at the stage of free writing, a description of their own
ELT Journal Volume 54/2 April 2000 © Oxford University Press
2000 153
Pincas (1982a: 24) sees learning as ‘assisted imitation’,
and adopts many techniques (e.g. substitution tables ibid.: 94), where learners
respond to a stimulus provided by the teacher. However, her comment that, at
the stage of free writing, ‘students should feel as if they are creating
something of their own’ (ibid.: 110) suggests a view of learners as being ready
to show rather more initiative. In short, product-based approaches see writing
as mainly concerned with knowledge about the structure of language, and writing
development as mainly the result of the imitation of input, in the form of
texts provided by the teacher.
Process Although there are many different process approaches
to writing (see, approaches for example, Hedge 1988, White and Arndt 1991) they
share some core features. Tribble suggests that process approaches stress . . .
writing activities which move learners from the generation of ideas and the
collection of data through to the ‘publication’ of a finished text. (1996: 37)
Writing in process approaches is seen as predominantly to do with linguistic
skills, such as planning and drafting, and there is much less emphasis on
linguistic knowledge, such as knowledge about grammar and text structure. There
are different views on the stages that writers go through in producing a piece
of writing, but a typical model identifies four stages: prewriting;
composing/drafting; revising; and editing (Tribble 1996: 39). This is a
cyclical process in which writers may return to pre-writing activities, for
example, after doing some editing or revising. A typical prewriting activity in
the process approach would be for learners to brainstorm on the topic of
houses. At the composing/drafting stage they would select and structure the
result of the brainstorming session to provide a plan of a description of a
house. This would guide the first draft of a description of a particular house.
After discussion, learners might revise the first draft working individually or
in groups. Finally, the learners would edit or proof-read the text. In process
approaches, the teacher primarily facilitates the learners’ writing, and
providing input or stimulus is considered to be less important. Like babies and
young children who develop, rather than learn, their mother tongue, second
language learners develop, rather than consciously learn, writing skills. Teachers
draw out the learners’ potential. Process approaches have a somewhat monolithic
view of writing. The process of writing is seen as the same regardless of what
is being written and who is writing. So while the amount of pre-writing in
producing a postcard to a friend and in writing an academic essay are different
(see Tribble 1996: 104) this is not reflected in much process teaching. While a
process approach may ignore the context in which writing happens, this is
unusual. For example Hedge (1988: 15 and passim)
154 Richard Badger and Goodith White
identifies four elements of the context that pre-writing
activities should focus on: the audience, the generation of ideas, the
organization of the text, and its purpose. Summarizing, we can say that process
approaches see writing primarily as the exercise of linguistic skills, and
writing development as an unconscious process which happens when teachers
facilitate the exercise of writing skills.
Genre approaches Genre approaches are relative newcomers to
ELT. However, there are strong similarities with product approaches and, in
some ways, genre approaches can be regarded as an extension of product
approaches. Like product approaches, genre approaches regard writing as pre-
dominantly linguistic but, unlike product approaches, they emphasize that
writing varies with the social context in which it is produced. So, we have a
range of kinds of writing-such as sales letters, research articles, and reports
- linked with different situations (Flowerdew 1993: 307). As not all learners
need to operate in all social contexts, this view of texts has implications for
the writing syllabus. For genre analysts, the central aspect of the situation
is purpose. Different kinds of writing, or genres, such as letters of apology,
recipes, or law reports, are used to carry out different purposes. Indeed,
Swales defines a genre ... as a class of communicative events, the members of
which share some set of communicative purposes. (1990: 58) Genres are also
influenced by other features of the situation, such as the subject matter, the
relationships between the writer and the audience, and the pattern of
organization. This parallels Hedge’s (1988) approach, described above. Martin
(1993: 120) offers a diagrammatic explanation of genre. In terms of writing
development, genre approaches have many similarities with product approaches.
Cope and Kalantzis (1993: 11) talk of a wheel model of genre literacy. This
wheel has three phases:
Figure 1: Martin’s models of genre
Purpose [Genre]
A process genre approach to teaching writing 155
modelling the target genre, where learners are exposed to
examples of the genre they have to produce; the construction of a text by
learners and teacher; and, finally, the independent construction of texts by learners.
In theory, the cycle can be repeated as and when necessary, but it would seem
that often each phase appears only once. In the ELT field, Dudley-Evans (1997:
154) also identifies three stages in genre approaches to writing. First, a
model of a particular genre is introduced and analysed. Learners then carry out
exercises which manipulate relevant language forms and, finally, produce a
short text. This parallels product approaches very closely. In a genre class,
learners might examine authentic descriptions of houses produced by estate
agents or realtors in order to sell the property. As with product approaches,
the learners would carry out an analysis of the text, perhaps looking at some
elements of the grammar or patterns of vocabulary using a concordancer. They
would also consider the social context, including the fact that the text is,
hopefully, based on a visit to the house, that its purpose is selling a house,
that the audience is made up of potential buyers, and that the words are
supported by pictures and diagrams. With varying degrees of help, learners
would then produce partial texts. Finally, working on their own, they would
produce complete texts reflecting the social context and the language of the
original description of a house. Proponents of genre approaches are not often
explicit about their theory of learning. However, the use of model texts and
the idea of analysis suggest that learning is partly a question of imitation
and partly a matter of understanding and consciously applying rules. In short,
genre-based approaches see writing as essentially concerned with knowledge of
language, and as being tied closely to a social purpose, while the development
of writing is largely viewed as the analysis and imitation of input in the form
of texts provided by the teacher.
Comparing The three approaches are sometimes presented as
opposed to each product, process, other. Thus Gee says that and genre
approaches The process approach generally represented a reaction against the
product-based approach whereas the genre approach represented a reaction to the
so-called progressivist curriculum (1997: 25). Amongst mother tongue teachers,
we find heated comments such as The process writing teacher, waiting while the
child struggles for control and ownership . . . actually favours white,
middle-class students. (Cope and Kalantzis 1993: 57). Similarly, Kamler (1995:
9) criticizes the genre approach because of . . . its narrow focus on language
and text and its lack of attention to the instructional and disciplinary
contexts in which texts are constructed.
156 Richard Badger and Goodith White
EFL commentators generally work in a less politically
sensitive area, but writing still generates ‘many, often conflicting, views’
(Tribble 1996: 37). Teachers of ESOL might understandably decide that the
debate is generating more heat than light, and pass on to more obviously useful
research. However, we would argue that the conflict between the various
approaches is misguided, and damaging to classroom practice. The three
approaches are largely complementary, as becomes more apparent if we examine
their weaknesses and strengths. The weaknesses of product approaches are that
process skills, such as planning a text, are given a relatively small role, and
that the knowledge and skills that learners bring to the classroom are
undervalued. Their strengths are that they recognize the need for learners to
be given linguistic knowledge about texts, and they understand that imitation
is one way in which people learn. The disadvantages of process approaches are
that they often regard all writing as being produced by the same set of
processes; that they give insufficient importance to the kind of texts writers
produce and why such texts are produced; and that they offer learners insufficient
input, particularly in terms of linguistic knowledge, to write successfully.
The main advantages are that they understand the importance of the skills
involved in writing, and recognize that what learners bring to the writing
classroom contributes to the development of writing ability. The negative side
of genre approaches is that they undervalue the skills needed to produce a text
and see learners as largely passive. More positively, they acknowledge that
writing takes place in a social situation, and is a reflection of a particular
purpose, and understand that learning can happen consciously through imitation
and analysis. An effective methodology for writing needs to incorporate the
insights of product, process, and genre approaches. One way of doing this is to
start with one approach and adapt it. For example, one problem in the process
approach is the lack of input. White and Arndt (1991) suggest techniques such
as group work, where input is provided by other learners, and conferencing,
where input is provided on a one-to-one basis by the teacher. Also, some
process writing material makes use of sample texts, usually after the learners
have produced a first draft (see for example White 1987). Adapting an approach
has led to important developments in the writing classroom. However, we feel
that it is also possible to identify an approach which is a synthesis of the
three approaches, which we term the process genre approach. An outline of this
is presented in the next section.
Towards a We will describe our model of the process genre
approach in terms of a synthesis: writing view of writing and a view of the
development of writing. The essential in the process idea here is that the
writing class recognizes that genre approach writing involves knowledge about
language (as in product and genre approaches), knowledge of the context in
which writing happens and
A process genre approach to teaching writing 157
especially the purpose for the writing (as in genre
approaches), and skills in using language (as in process approaches) writing
development happens by drawing out the learners’ potential (as in process
approaches) and by providing input to which the learners respond (as in product
and genre approaches). Writing in the One of the central insights of genre
analysis is that writing is embedded process genre in a social situation, so
that a piece of writing is meant to achieve a approach particular purpose which
comes out of a particular situation. An example might be an estate agent
writing a description of a house in order to sell it. This purpose has
implications for the subject matter, the writer/audience relationship and
organization, channel, or mode (see Hedge 1988: 15, and Martin 1993: 23). While
genre analysis focuses on the language used in a particular text, we would want
to include processes by which writers produce a text reflecting these elements
under the term ‘process genre’. This would cover the process by which writers
decide what aspects of the house should be highlighted, as well as the
knowledge of the appropriate language. In the writing classroom, teachers need
to replicate the situation as closely as possible and then provide sufficient
support for learners to identify the purpose and other aspects of the social
context. So learners who wanted to be estate agents would need to consider that
their description is meant to sell the house (purpose), that it must appeal to
a certain group of people (tenor), that it must include certain information
(field), and that there are ways in which house descriptions are presented
(mode). Then, drawing on their knowledge of things such as vocabulary, grammar,
and organization, our writers would use the skills appropriate to the genre,
such as redrafting and proof-reading, to produce a description of a house which
reflects the situation from which it arises. We have attempted to illustrate
this in the left-hand column of Figure 2 (on the next page). Different genres
require different kinds of knowledge and different sets of skills, and our
knowledge of both the knowledge and skill involved in different genres is
limited. However, teachers are expert writers of many genres, and a key feature
of this approach is that they should draw on their own knowledge of, and skills
in, particular process genres.
The development of The development of writing will vary
between different groups of writing in a process learners because they are at
different stages of their writing develop- genre approach ment. Learners who
know a lot about the production of a particular genre, and are skilled in it,
may need little or no input. Some groups of learners will have a good awareness
of how the potential audience may constrain what is written. Other groups may
lack knowledge of what language is appropriate to a particular audience. In
this case, the learners need some kind of input in terms of, say, the language
appropriate to a particular audience, or the skills in deciding whom the
potential audience may be. What input is needed will depend on their particular
group of learners.
158 Richard Badger and Goodith White
Figure 2: A genre process model of teaching writing A
process genre model of writing
Possible input
In many cases, the teacher is not able to find out what the
learners know or can do before the class. In this case, a deep-end approach
modelled on Willis (1996: 100) may be appropriate. Learners try to carry out
one element in a process genre, and then compare their texts or skills in text
production with some expert’s (possibly the teacher’s) version of this. On the
basis of this comparison, they or the teacher can then decide if they need
further input of knowledge or skills. Where learners lack knowledge, we can
draw on three potential sources: the teacher, other learners, and examples of
the target genre. Teachers may provide input in terms of instruction (mention
the number of rooms), other learners may do the same in the less threatening
context of group work, but perhaps the most distinctive source of input about
contextual and linguistic knowledge in a genre process approach is language
awareness activities. Genre analysis attempts to reveal the similarities
between texts written for the same reason, and so it is likely that these
language awareness activities will be based on a corpus of the relevant genre.
Key materials for genre process teachers are sets of corpora of the kinds of
texts their learners want to write. In our house description exercise, learners
might investigate the kind of sentence structure used in estate agents’
descriptions of a house, the kind of vocabulary used to make the position sound
attractive and where the price appears. Flowerdew (1993) and Dudley-Evans
(1997) also suggest activities such as using flow charts to illustrate the
organization of particular genres and translation. Learners may also require
input about the skills needed for writing. A rich source here comes from
observing other students and the teacher. Teachers may find direct instruction
on skills effective - think about why you are writing the description - but an
alternative is a demonstration by the teacher or other skilled writer, possibly
accompanied by a commentary
A process genre approach to teaching writing 159
attempting to explain the mental processes that underlie the
exercise of the skill. For example, teachers might explain why they chose to
include certain information about a house and leave out other information.
Figure 2 illustrates the possible input in the process genre. The use of dashes
is intended to indicate that input is not always required.
Summary In this paper, we have outlined an approach to
writing informed by a product, process, and genre view of writing and writing
development. The model sees writing as a series of stages leading from a
particular situation to a text, with the teachers facilitating learners’
progress by enabling appropriate input of knowledge and skills.
Received May 1999 References Smith, F. 1982. Writing and the
Writer. London: Cope, B. and M. Kalantzis. 1993. ‘Background to genre teaching’
in B. Cope and M. Kalantzis (eds.). The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to
Teaching Writing. London: Falmer Press. Heinemann. Swales, J. 1990. Genre
Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tribble, C. 1996. Writing.
Oxford: Oxford Uni- versity Press. Dudley-Evans, T. 1997. ‘Genre models for the
teaching of academic writing to second language speakers: advantages and
disadvantages’ in T. Miller (ed.). Functional Approaches to Written Text:
Classroom Applications. Washington DC: United States Information Agency.
Flowerdew, J. 1993. ‘An educational or process Approach to the teaching of
professional genres’. ELT Journal 47/4: 305-16. Hedge, T. 1993. Writing. Oxford:
Oxford Uni- versity Press. White, R. 1987. Writing Advanced. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. White, R. and V. Arndt. 1991. Process Writing. Harlow:
Longman. Willis, J. 1996. A Framework for Task-Based Learning. Harlow: Longman.
The authors Gee, S. 1997. ‘Teaching writing a genre-based approach’. Review of
English Language Teach- ing 62: 24-40. Kamler, B. 1995. ‘The grammar wars or
what do teachers need to know about grammar?. Eng- lish in Australia 114: 3-15.
Martin. J. R. 1993. ‘A contextual theory of language’ in B. Cope and M.
Kalantzis (eds.). The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing.
London: Falmer Press. Pincas, A. 1982a. Teaching English Writing. London:
Macmillan. Richard Badger (LLB, PGCE, MA, PhD) has taught in Nigeria, Malaysia,
and Algeria, and currently teaches at the Centre of English Language Teaching
at the University of Stirling, UK. His research interests include the
methodology of teaching writ- ing, legal language, genre analysis, and teacher
training. Email: <rgb3@str.ac.uk> Pincas, A. 1982b. Writing in English 1.
London: Macmillan. Goodith White (BA, Dip TEFL, M.Litt) has taught in Italy,
Finland, Singapore, Portugal, Eire, and the UK. She is currently lecturing at
CELT, University of Stirling, UK, and is pursuing doctoral research in
sociolinguistics with Trinity College, Dublin. She has recently published a
book on listening for Oxford University Press. Email:
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