to Teaching Grammar
Inductive vs
deductive approaches
Teaching grammar has been a
controversial issue for centuries. Some people perceive it as essential to
teaching any foreign language (for example those in favour of Grammar
Translation Method), whereas others view it as an impediment to second language
acquisition. Even experts on language teaching from the past and contemporary
linguists like Stephen Krashen, who once said “The effects of grammar teaching…
are peripheral and fragile,” seem to question the very idea of including
grammar lessons in second language teaching. This incessant debate over the
usefulness and the form of grammar teaching (and, consequently, of grammar
instruction), in which as of yet no one has been able to support their claims
with an unquestionably conclusive research, has resulted in plenty of different
methods and techniques of formulating grammar instruction, among which two
stand out, namely inductive and deductive method.
former is based on the assumption that knowledge of grammatical rules should be
acquired through exposure to samples of speech that present a particular
construction. Students are to elicit the rule from the given input and
subconsciously learn it by recognizing the reoccurring patterns. Proponents of
deductive approach to grammar instruction, on the other hand, claim that an
introduction of a new structure should be commenced with an explicit
presentation of the rule that governs the structure. The presentation is
followed by examples which show to students how the rule is used in context.
As we
can see, these two methods are completely different and simultaneous use of
both is impracticable. The rift that divides them finds, obviously, reflection
in the results that they produce.
let’s analyze how they affect students and the teacher. Deductive approach is
certainly easier to apply and leaves little room for mistakes providing that
the rule is concisely and clearly stated. It makes students feel secure and
provides them with a tool with which to tackle the tasks at hand. Not only is
their confidence reinforced by numerous examples, but also by the fact that the
scope of what is expected of them is very clearly defined. Moreover, deductive
method does not require much preparation on the part of the teacher. His work
boils down to producing a comprehensible and lucid definition which can be
easily applied in the exercises that follow.
it also has some quite significant disadvantages that cannot be disregarded.
The most important one is lack of students’ involvement and struggle for
understanding, which may result in the lesson being teacher-centered and not
demanding in terms of creativity and imagination. Teacher’s incompetence may
deteriorate the situation further; if he is unable to state the rule
explicitly, back it up with relevant examples and adjust the use of
metalanguage to the needs of his students, then even the simpliest grammar
instruction can become ambiguous, and breed confusion and discouragement.
When it comes
to inductive method of presenting grammar instruction, it succeeds almost in
every area where deductive method fails. Its major advantage is the fact that
it encourages mental effort and forces students to rely on their intelligence
and the ability to analyze and make connections between particular samples of
speech. Knowledge obtained through the subconscious process of identification
and incorporation of the presented grammatical rules into ones language system
is characterized by greater permanence and can be put into practice without
conscious and time-consuming examination of the context from the grammatical
point of view. But here, too, much depends on the teacher. Choosing examples
that will guide students to the desired conclusions is an awfully demanding and
risky task. Not being able to delineate the path leading to a particular
grammatical point with appropriate instances, the teacher puts on the line the
whole lesson. Moreover, inductive method may take a lot of valuable time (in
case when students are not able to come up with the rule implied in the given
sentences) that could be devoted to practice and production. Hence the question
arises: are we ready to risk that much?
In my
opinion, the question should be answered with resounding yes, but only
in certain circumstances. Inductive method can be used solely by an experienced
and competent teacher who knows his students well enough to be able to adjust
the instruction to their needs and capacities. The superiority of inductive
method over deductive one can only be utilized if one has profound insight into
teaching techniques and possesses deep knowledge of students’ patterns of
thinking and approaching new structures. It is also of paramount importance to
know when and how to help learners, what can be done to aid them in coming up
with a particular rule and how to do that efficiently. The question of whether
to state the rule at the end of the “inductive phase” should be addressed by
each teacher separately since, owing to individual differences between
students, there are no two identical classroom situations. Providing these
requirements have been fulfilled, inductive method can enrich classroom
experience immeasurably. Firstly, students obtain knowledge in the most natural
and effective way, through sheer exposure to input in foreign language (which,
in order to make it more comprehensible, may be summed up with the rule that it
presents). Secondly, students are forced to make the most of their
perceptiveness, prior knowledge and mental capacity. Last but not least, they
learn how to be self-dependent, which may make a world of difference in their
future study of the language.
though these profits are certainly of undisputable value, we cannot abandon
deductive method altogether. Research has shown that most students prefer to be
given grammar rules directly, and that in some cases it is better to avoid
ambiguity and risk of misunderstanding. To my mind, restricting oneself to only
one method impedes the learning process. Grammar, whether we claim that it
should be acquired subconsciously or not, remains a foundation of fluency in
the second language, hence the conclusion that the teacher should use all
possible means of conveying its rules, not limiting himself to one particular
method of instruction, however productive and infallible it may seem.
things considered, I personally believe that applying inductive method as the
main, but not the only, means of presenting grammar instruction is bound to
produce amazing results and help students back up their knowledge with
intuition and a deeper understanding of the second language that are
unattainable for those who rely solely on what clearly resembles Grammar
Translation Method, which has been condemned by contemporary linguists. Although
deductive method has its disadvantages, if used in appropriate context it can
facilitate the learning process thanks to the fact that it is helpful whenever
sheer examples and students’ inductive thinking fail. There is no ultimate
method of grammar instruction and the key to success lies in the wisdom to draw
from the experience of others, avoiding their mistakes and making the most of
the approaches and techniques bore fruit. And inductive method can certainly be
termed as such.
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